From Global Affairs to Humanitarian- Vivi Kieffer interviews Michael Bociurkiw for Aletheia Human
When I met him, I knew I had seen him before. Was it in an airplane? An extrovert, eyes full of sparks, and gentleman, Michael looked...

Aletheia Human- New Podcast available
Dear Friends, I am happy to share with you, our latest digital product, Aletheia Human Podcast. This is directly the fruit of #Lockdown....

Happy International Women's Day 2020!
"I am Generation Equality" and You? One day to celebrate what we have achieved so far, and of course look at was is missing! Lets take...

Venciendo Techos
Conocer los Techos que pavimentan el ascenso de las mujeres es prepararse mejor para alcanzar tus sueños!

Exposición de Arte en Honor al Medio Ambiente
“Enriquillo Amiama - Vivi Kieffer & Luis Zegarra en: Arte / H2O - ATABEY” El pasado lunes quedó inaugurada la muestra: “Enriquillo Amiama...

Exposición "Arte/H2O- Atabey"
Exposición de arte en honor al Medio Ambiente, bajo la iniciativa de Vivi Kieffer, Embajadora para el Global Youth Climate Network.

This week we will be celebrating the international day dedicated to the environment, we had to Act for Mother Nature, or "Atabey" as the...

Ok... so we are almost 1 month down, 11 left... Still plenty of time to achieve your goals for 2019! For this and plenty other great...

Lets get ready for a Galactic 2019!
9 tips for a great 2019! #2019 #newyear #tips #9steps #9 #happynewyear #wishes

LETTER TO SANTA/ Carta a Santa
I would love to share this letter to Santa with you, and it only has 4 items: Me gustararia compartir esta carta a Santa con Ustedes....