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Do You Know your own Value?

This is one of the questions I have never really asked myself, but if I do think about it, pretty essential to a numerous of women I know...


Do we know how much we are worth?

Yes there is this perception that we are our diplomas... Then I hold 2 masters... That we are our languages... I speak 5 of them, from which, 4 completely fluently... We are our experience, I have always been keen in grasping more and more knowledge from every culture I have had the opportunity to live in or work with. Have worked in both private and government entities...

Ok this is me, do I know my opportunities and strengths? I do know them now, yes... but How much do YOU know about yours?

And all the more, how much have you accepted to dedicate time, willingness, effort, thinking to knowing yourself better and more deeply?

And then do you know where you are heading to? Do you know your purpose in life. This has been essential to me, since I certified in Executive coaching with Incae Business School, that every women I have the honor to coach, find their purpose of life, their north.

But while I was organizing the event for Women Leadership Summit, designing the content that would reach more that 250 women (300 to be exact), I was wondering what would be essential for us to understand. Us, women, living in the Dominican Republic. And I found out two major lines.

The first line involves, learning from others, learning from women who have already reached their purpose in life, and that can enlighten the road, women that we will call "Game Changers". Actually when acquainted with trailer of the movie on Billie Jean in "The Battle of the Sexes",

I felt it was something we had to dig in more profoundly.

The second line of action, follows a more internal one, knowing yourself better seems like a sinequa non condition if you want to successfully follow the steps of Game Changers. And this internal quest, lies down to one minimal condition: Know your worth. That's all. Pretty easy it seems, but as a woman, I find it a rather difficult task.

With the first line, I had the luck to be able to reach out to a woman like Adriana Cisneros and her very efficient staff, to share with the audience of the event, a memorable video of how she became a Game Changer herself, and what she would like to share with younger generations..

The event presented also young Game Changers like Paola Santana that irradiates a real "Moonshot mindset" to everyone she touches. It presented also major pioneers like Elena Viyella, first women in so many boards of directors in the Dominican Republic and abroad. Or Persia Alvarez, the creator of the pension system in the country, or Nuria Piera, pioneer in the Journalism of investigation.

We had also executives with an incredible record in companies, in constant evolution, real mountain climbers, to name but a few: Ligia Bonetti with a very exclusive video interview, Maria Isabel Grullon, Laura Acra, Patricia Gonzalez and Antonia Anton in a Panel on the " Challenge of Trascending in a company".

To fulfill the second line, I had Olivia Jaras on board. She is founder of Salary Coaching, and has made a career out of helping women understand their worth, and fighting for it. Olivia, is a true believer that the so called gender gap in salaries is not only the responsibility of governments and entities, but of ourselves women.

Lets face it how much do we inquire our worth, how deeply convinced we are of it, and how strongly we negociate before accepting an offer ... this is all ours to do, not the company's, not the government, but just us.

And this is the message I want us to remember, it is up to us, to investigate, know and ask for our value. No one else to blame on that. Maybe men help each other more, and we could learn from it. But all changers are inside out. Actually this is what we have learned through the survey lunched with Revista Mercado. Men, in general think their network and abilities to sell are fundamental for their career evolution. Women have not this perception.

So lets be Game Changers of our own Game!


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